A Stat System for Unity part 1
Jan 8, 2024
Categories: Unity
An extensible stat system for Unity part 1: The theory, implementing the relevant classes and algorithms
ReadHow To Use Loops Inside Unity's Update Methods
Dec 18, 2023
Categories: Unity
Different ways to use C# loops inside Unity's game loop update methods. Why Unity can freeze with certain loops and how some loops can make a single frame really slow.
ReadHow To Make A Replay System For Inputs In Unity
Dec 12, 2023
Categories: Unity
How to create a system that records and replays the player inputs in a game, to make debugging easier
ReadWhat Are The Implied If Statements In Code
Dec 4, 2023
Categories: General, Architecture
The only worse thing than multiple nested if statements in a codebase, are the implied if statements that only exist in the programmers head. An example of wrong coding with implied if statements
ReadNDepend Review - A static analysis tool for .NET projects
Nov 28, 2023
Categories: C#, Architecture
NDepend is a tool that can statically analyze you code and give you information about potential problems using over a hundred of metrics both at class level and at a higher architectural level.
ReadSOLID: How to use it, Why and When
Nov 21, 2023
Categories: Architecture
When to use the SOLID principles, what is important in the SOLID principles and how to use them for maximum benefit.