What are enum flags and how to use them in Unity
Feb 14, 2023
Categories: C#, Unity
What are enum flags and how they can be used in Unity to simplify our code
How to avoid boxing structs that implement interfaces in C#
Feb 7, 2023
Categories: C#
How to avoid the boxing of structs that implement interfaces, when passed as arguments to methods by using generics
What are the differences in the timers in C# ?
Jan 31, 2023
Categories: C#
The timers in C#, differences and when to use each one (plus the Stopwatch class)
Initializing Lists in C#
Jan 24, 2023
Categories: C#
How lists in C# are implemented as a wrapper over C# arrays and why initializing them with a size during construction is a good idea
How to create a Database system to handle Unity prefabs
Jan 16, 2023
Categories: Unity
By leveraging Scriptable Objects we can create a system that allows us to reference our prefab assets easily in code and change them individually or by groups with a single drag and drop
Encapsulation of primitive types and checked operator overloading in C# 11
Jan 10, 2023
Categories: C#
How to encapsulate primitive types to leverage static type safety and overload checked operators to catch bugs faster in development build