C# Equality and order comparisons (Part 2)

    C# Equality and order comparisons (Part 2)

    Jun 5, 2023
    Categories: C#

    The GetHashCode() method, Ensure referential equality with ReferenceEquals and the IEqualityComparer and IStructuralEquatable interfaces

    C# Equality and order comparisons (Part 1)

    C# Equality and order comparisons (Part 1)

    May 29, 2023
    Categories: C#

    Value vs referential equality, compile-time vs runtime equality checks overriding equality, the == and != operators and the different Equals methods

    What are Coroutines in Unity and the WaitForSeconds performance tip

    What are Coroutines in Unity and the WaitForSeconds performance tip

    May 22, 2023
    Categories: Unity

    A brief overview of coroutines in Unity and a common mistake with the yield return new WaitForSeconds

    How to move around a point in straight lines in Unity

    How to move around a point in straight lines in Unity

    May 15, 2023
    Categories: Unity

    How to calculate the position to move around a point in 2d in straight lines instead of rotating around by using Transform.RotateAround

    The Monostate pattern with default interface implementation in C#

    The Monostate pattern with default interface implementation in C#

    May 8, 2023
    Categories: C#

    What is the monostate pattern, differences from singleton and how we can use default interface implementation with it.

    Curiously Recurring Template Pattern in C#

    Curiously Recurring Template Pattern in C#

    May 1, 2023
    Categories: C#

    How to allow a parent class to have knowledge of the type of its derived classes

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